

‘On The Morning You Wake,’ a new VR film for Oculus Quest 2, puts a spotlight on the terrifying realities of nuclear war.




On January 13, 2018, 1.4 million residents throughout the state收到警报on their phones that transformed a sleepy Saturday morning into one of sheer panic: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.”

阅读有关突然的,意外的核威胁是一回事,但是现在有一群电影制片人创造了On The Morning You Wake (to the End of the World), a virtual reality film for Oculus Quest 2 that does an admirable job of relaying the tension and chaos of those 38 minutes, while also advocating for changes to nuclear policy.

不可能更及时。自从俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)于2月入侵乌克兰并使该国的核武器高度戒备以来,全球关于核冲突的紧张局势继续加剧。尽管核战略家坚持认为,这种情况的几率升级到将导致这种灾难性情况的情况是遥不可及的,但世界领导人承认,前景是 within the realm of possibility 很长一段时间以来。


On the Morning You Wake不是您所期望的。这是一部主要依靠视觉效果增强的口语。这是粒子动画和真人大小的真实人的全息图像的编排混合物。这是一种叙事和激进主义者的工具。这是一项使您处于危机中心的工作,将您巧妙地旋转到可能的解决方案的核心。

“The realities of nuclear war can feel incredibly abstract, something the majority of people have a very hard time imagining,” says producer Mike Brett, part of the documentary’s creative team and cofounder of Archer’s Mark, the video production service that worked on the film. “And it’s certainly something that they struggle to imagine happening to them. Often, it’s seen as something that is a problem in another part of the globe, or within another community. So as creators, we hoped that by placing users at the center of that experience and allowing them to feel that reality, we might help them understand the magnitude and urgency of the situation. As our cowriter Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio has said many times recently, ‘This experience is meant to make you feel uncomfortable.'”

它成功了。Whether it’s watching from below, as parents send their children into sewers in hopes of protecting them—or hearing a Hiroshima survivor discuss what it was like to live through August 6, 1945, only to face the possibility of experiencing it again, 73 years later—it’s hard not to be affected. And while it’s largely a passive (albeit, 360-degree) experience, brief, unexpected moments of interactivity make it more compelling; a testament to the VR medium.


电影的最后三分之一,更集中在激进主义的情况下,也不是没有寒意,尤其是当向岛上发送虚假导弹警报的调度员addresses the incidentand his feelings about the panic he caused that day.

迈克·布雷特(Mike Brett)[照片:弓箭手的标记]
The jarring moments not only convey the helplessness the citizens of Hawaii felt, but they also can stir a sense of outrage, especially when the viewer contemplates their own helplessness in the current situation. And that’s when the call to action comes in.



Groups like the国际废除核武器的运动(ICAN) are leading the charge to change the thinking of nuclear powers. And the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which became international law in January 2021, bans the use, threat of use, and development/possession of nuclear weapons (though Russia, the U.S., and other nuclear states have yet to join the treaty).

But can advocacy work in an environment in which rulers like Putin dangle the threat of nuclear engagement, and extremists are willing to do just about anything to further their cause? Ray Acheson, director of Critical Will, the disarmament program of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and a steering-group member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), believes it can.




克里斯·莫里斯(Chris Morris)是一位资深记者,拥有30多年的经验。在Chrismorrisjournalist.com上了解更多信息。
