
bonobos联合创始人安迪·邓恩(Andy Dunn)揭示了他的躁郁症

Bonobos创始首席执行官Andy Dunn在他的回忆录《烧伤率》中分享了双相情感障碍几乎如何使他的个人和职业生涯脱轨。独家摘录。

bonobos联合创始人安迪·邓恩(Andy Dunn)揭示了他的躁郁症
[Photo:Kanghee Kim这是给予的

这个故事是心态的一部分,这是一个涵盖工作中心理健康的特殊包装。对于系列,德赢提款convened a roundtable商业领袖和倡导者讨论如何将同情心带入工作场所,并研究如何Alicia Keys正在思考她的商业利益。

安迪·邓恩(Andy Dunn)于2000年在西北大学(Northwestern University)担任大四学生的第一集。他被称为“情绪大火”的困扰,他坚信自己是弥赛亚,三晚都没睡觉。邓恩(Dunn)住院并被诊断出患有双相情感障碍,这种疾病可以使某人感到欣喜而充满活力,以善于症状,冲动甚至幻觉,到达沮丧的深度低下。他短暂地服用药物,但在很大程度上没有治疗他的疾病。

邓恩继续从斯坦福大学获得MBA学位BONOBOSinto a pioneering direct-to-consumer clothing brand. But the CEO kept his diagnosis from friends and colleagues, and even hid the signs from himself, chalking them up to the stress and exhilaration of being an entrepreneur. The mania returned in 2015, while he was in Las Vegas for a speaking engagement, and again, more significantly, a year later. Dunn experienced a psychotic break with reality that ended in a weeklong stay in New York’s Bellevue Hospital—along with a court appearance for assaulting his future wife and mother-in-law while he was in a delusional state. (The charges were eventually dismissed and expunged because the incident occurred during a mental health episode.) He began managing his disorder with medication and therapy, and disclosed it to his colleagues and board of directors. In 2017, he negotiated Walmart’s $310 million acquisition of Bonobos, and he and his fiancée married.燃烧率是邓恩第一次公开谈论患有躁郁症。

[In late 2015,] I was invited to speak at an event connected to Zappos founder Tony Hsieh’s burgeoning startup ecosystem in downtown Las Vegas. Tony was someone who I had long idolized, whose principles of how to sell soft goods online with customer-friendly policies and enthusiastic employees were embedded in the DNA of what we, at Bonobos, were doing as digital brand builders.


In our original angel investor deck, Bonobos had been pitched as “Ralph Lauren times Zappos,” and Tony’s book,Delivering Happiness, was foundational to my entrepreneurial worldview. Being invited to speak right after Tony, I felt like I’d arrived.





Once I start even considering that such things are possible, I’m on my way to psychotic. With the guardians of sanity gone from the gates, insane thoughts stream in freely. At that point, I’m in trouble. I am free-associating my reality. Literally anything can happen, just as anything can happen in a dream.




Choosing to stay on is a spiritual decision. With the rising religiosity, and fundamentalism, of the manic mind, I show God I am willing to put my fate entirely into Her hands. Death holds no consequence to a manic person. It may even be desirable, a death wish. But that wish is usually not to die an unknown death. It’s to die the death of a martyr, a hero, or a prophet.



This is my first full-blown episode since college, and I understand that this time I can’t let anyone know what I’m thinking. It is lodged in me from being hospitalized 15 years earlier that if you reveal who you are, you get locked up. No part of me wants to stand up in the middle of the flight and address the passengers. I decide to tweet my thoughts instead, subtly sprinkling messianic ideas like breadcrumbs in other people’s feeds, so that my prophetic warnings will be discovered later, by the people who will study my life.


As we approach Vegas, with no crash yet, I assume that the impact will happen upon landing. I have heard somewhere that the takeoff and landing are the most dangerous parts of any flight. My work is done. To eternity we go. I close my eyes, unafraid, waiting for the end—knowing that this must be it.





安迪·邓恩(Andy Dunn),bonobos联合创始人




我的演讲是在上午10点。我无法事先入睡。当我到达演讲场地时,来自新兴组织的赞助商的人给了我一件T恤。通常,我从不穿赃物,但是在这种情况下,我立即将其穿上了我的穿着,在与观众团结一致的奇怪表演中。这是一个图形的T恤,上面有狼在月球上ling叫的图片。尽管我疯狂地内在的独白,但我知道我必须伪装成正常的人,并召唤不会让我被捕。我的讲话很奇怪,但我以某种方式保持界限 - 尽管提供了企业家的界限,但却是多孔的。我惯常对Bonobos,Bonobos,社会没有暴力的母亲黑猩猩,这是一种更好的人类的预言。它与我关于上帝成为女人的地下思维过程完美融合,我是她的使者。幸运的是,我遗漏了刚刚决定讨论世界上所有宗教及其缺陷的更长的时间。之后,我在肯尼迪国际机场(JFK)遇到的朋友和他的一个朋友接近我。



That night, I go with some new friends to Tony Hsieh’s downtown Airstream trailer park. Here is a man purportedly worth hundreds of millions living in a trailer in the desert. It’s a surreal vibe, with llamas and a campfire in the middle of Las Vegas. We sit around that campfire, near Tony’s trailer, and the fire, its glow and warmth, takes hold of my mind the way it might if I were both stoned and ‘shrooming. My manic state is somewhere in the middle, though I am learning to hide my insane thoughts from others.

该小组的领导者是当地的维加斯风险投资人,他曾为托尼(Tony)工作,他是托尼(Tony)振兴城市项目的一部分。当我们坐在聊天时,喝啤酒时,我被问到Bonobos的联合创始人离婚。在躁狂状态下,我认为一些表演可能很有用。我在YouTube上搜索视频。这是[Bonobos联合创始人Brian] Spaly和我在Fox Business的剪辑,接受了我们有史以来第一个电视节目之一。在我的记忆中,我与那些作为颜色评论的人有关,Spaly一直在我的语言上对我说话。我打算剪辑,以说明我们的个性如何太大而无法在一家公司中都存在,我告诉他们他是做过蒸腾的人。然后我在手机上播放视频。








There’s no need to do my job anymore. The people at Bonobos know I’ve moved on to more important things. Given my focus on initiatives outside of our core business that consistently risked derailing us, there is an irony to my being “off the grid” that I can’t possibly appreciate as it’s happening. Manic delusions and entrepreneurial delusions, while not twins, are not unrelated. They’re more like distant cousins. The capacity for one doesn’t guarantee—but can indicate—the capacity for the other.

从书中摘录燃烧率:开设一家初创公司并失去理智版权©2022年,安迪·邓恩(Andy Dunn)。该书将于2022年5月10日以货币的烙印出版。经许可转载。



