

更多的and more companies are embracing four-day workweeks, but it’s mostly salaried office workers who benefit. How can hourly workers in the food industry get the same perk?

[Photo: courtesy Dig]



该公司开始考虑为四天周的概念增长的概念受欢迎程度在大流行之前。“问题是,真的,我们将如何为在我们餐厅经营的绝大多数员工中做这项工作?”Dig人民和文化副总裁Melinda Sharretts说。然后,随着Covid-19暂时关闭了一些餐厅,并同时开始使其员工处于危险之中,DIG决定测试时间表的更改。

“The disparity between people who still had employment and were working from home versus our employees, who were still going into the restaurant, just became more and more evident,” says Dig cofounder Andrew Jacobson. “And though we couldn’t necessarily change that, we had an opportunity in Boston.” The Boston team had been running five restaurants, but only one was still open; it seemed like the right moment to try a new schedule. Workers were given the opportunity to come in one fewer day a week, if they chose, but still work the same number of hours.

[Photo: ©Nico Schinco/courtesy Dig]
在一个通常不可预测的转变的行业中,工人通常还必须拿第二份工作才能赚到足够的钱来生存 - 迪格已经不寻常了,因为它提供了40小时的时间。为了保持相同的小时数,选择改用四天一周的工人必须更改为10小时。与快餐店不同,Dig的食物需要大量的准备工作,因此很长的转变是有道理的。



Some employees who tried the 10-hour workdays found the schedule too grueling. Others embraced it. “I’ve worked for over 15 years, and this is the first place I’ve worked where I have three set days out of every single week,” says Diante Scott, a sous chef, who said that the long hours don’t bother him. Since the restaurants are open seven days a week, most employees work three days, have a day or two off, and then work a fourth day. Unlike office workers, who might end up checking email on their days off, when restaurant workers are out they can take a true break from their jobs.

该公司目前正在六家餐厅提供为期四天的工作周期,包括费城和纽约市的地点,并计划在2022年上半年将其添加到多达五个地点。(某些DIG员工也是already testing the schedule in other locations that haven’t officially launched it as a policy yet.) In an internal survey of 45 people who have participated so far, 87% said they would recommend the new schedule. Workers also said they have greater work-life balance and more time for schoolwork and errands. Others said that it had a positive impact on their mental health.




“What we want,” Jacobson says, “is not just to put pressure on ourselves to get this done, but pressure on the rest of the industry.”



阿黛尔·彼得斯(Adele Peters)是Fast Company德赢提款的参谋作家,他专注于从气候变化到无家可归的世界上一些最大问题的解决方案。以前,她与加州大学伯克利分校的Good,Biolite和可持续产品和解决方案计划一起工作
