
How to deal with stress while working in a demanding industry


How to deal with stress while working in a demanding industry
[来源插图:Malte Mueller/Getty Images]

Workplace stress is increasingly becoming a larger part of the conversation since the pandemic. And against the backdrop of hustle culture, reports indicate that the number of people seeking help with stress or anxiety has increased by55%根据英国精神卫生服务提供商的一项研究。英国卫生与安全执行官表示,仅在2021年,822,000 workersin the U.K. suffered from work-related stress, depression, or anxiety.


I entered law—the second most压力大的专业人士根据保险公司的说法,在英国,在2009年作为雄心勃勃的高位。作为由其高标准和完美主义定义的职业,它通常是高位者和雄心勃勃的少数愿意在两端燃烧蜡烛并做出进步所需的牺牲的雄心勃勃的家园。但是影响压力对我的生活产生了几乎导致我完全离开该行业。我知道我并不孤单。

对于许多专业服务和其他苛刻行业that attract high achievers,这些统计数据可能不足为奇。反映我作为律师的经验,我敢肯定,他们对长时间的工作环境和实现目标的巨大压力并不陌生。而且,尽管有些人在这种强度下蓬勃发展,但许多人正在与倦怠作斗争。

Today, as the founder of my own law firm, I’m relieved I didn’t leave. But I know I couldn’t have done it, without learning to manage stress. So, how did I do it? And how can you do it too?


The sources of stress

Stress is我们身体对压力的反应。The reaction is essentially a last-ditch attempt at letting you know that you’re over-committed, over-stretched, and overwhelmed. Stress is often a signyou’ve pushed yourself too farwithout making time to consider whether what you’re doing is sustainable, both professionally and personally.

Have you had difficulty controlling your temper? Are you struggling to sleep? Is concentrating on the work at hand an impossible task? You could be pushing yourself to a limit that’s not worth crossing. As ambitious high achievers, we ultimately want to go the distance, but I guarantee going the distance is impossible when struck with migraines, low moods, anxiety, and irritability: all hallmarks signs of chronic stress.


Stress is unique to each person. For some, stress is incapacitating, while others actually need a bit of stress to keep them motivated. It becomes problematic, however, when it begins to impede on your day-to-day functioning.



And so, despite it seeming entirely counter-productive, I began to reclaim time from the business. I dove into exercise,有据可查的压力胜地。我和家人在一起,这使我想起了这一切的目的。我开始将时间和精力投入到我想成为的人中。

The result? I became happier, better rested, and more motivated; for the betterment of my business and everyone around me.


It’s easy to slip into the idea that if you take your foot off the pedal, even for one second, everything will come crashing down. The issue with this thinking is that you are denying yourself an opportunity to refuel, despite being on a marathon of the mind for years on end.


Take a step back, watch for the warning signs, and remember that a break is better than burnout.


Stamina’s role in reaching success





Dealing with strain becomes significantly easier when we are fulfilled as people. Confronting difficulty is easier to cope with when we meet it as whole versions of ourselves. And managing stress becomes a possibility when we’ve invested the time to become bigger versions of who we are.

There’s no doubt about it: Life as a high achiever comes with its challenges. Ensure you greet those challenges as someone who has been given every possible opportunity to cope with it.

What leaders can do

While the above is helpful, I believe it’s important to address the responsibility of leaders in the fight against work-related stress, particularly asculture is one of the prevailing causes ofit.


In my own business, I’ve worked hard to create an environment that prioritizes flexibility, mental and physical well-being, personal growth, and open channels of communication–all of which I believe are steps toward combating stress for high achievers. But, for industries such as mine to truly cope, all leaders need to take conscious steps toward building a culture that better supports their professionals.


Alice Stephenson is the founder of the private law firm based in United Kingdom,Stephenson Law
