
why corporate silence on reproductive rights harms workers—and companies

如今,公司在几乎所有重大新闻事件之后都会进行公开宣告。乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被谋杀后包括微软和苹果在内的科技公司做出了承诺of $3.8 billion to diversify their hiring practices and better support Black workers. Airbnb, Google, and others rushed to announce matching donations to support relief efforts when Russia invaded Ukraine this February. And back in 2013,hundreds of companies, among them Starbucks and Facebook (now Meta), urged the Supreme Court to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.

So why is it that, even amid themounting paceof state legislation and recent最高法院泄漏, companies have had so little to say about abortion?

Starting in March, in anticipation of the Court’s final decision this summer,德赢提款伸出手to nearly 200 major companies. We solicited feedback about how these businesses view abortion access, the policies they have in place around abortion care, and how they plan to respond to the likely fall ofRoe诉Wade. For this survey, we specifically focused on the largest U.S. companies by revenue, as well as other businesses with workers in states with trigger bans or other substantial abortion restrictions.

“It’s a really disgusting system which punishes people for not having enough money.”

我们作证的创始人蕾妮·布雷西·谢尔曼(Renee Bracey Sherman)

Jessy Edwards, Amy Farley, Ruth Reader, Lushik Wahba
Editors:Julia Herbst, Pavithra Mohan, Aimee Rawlins, Kristin Toussaint
Photo Editors:劳伦·布尔宾(Lauren Bulbin),丹尼尔·萨洛(Daniel Salo),玛雅·萨菲尔(Maja Saphir),艾米·王(Amy Wong)
信息图表:Alex Pirani
Development:JJ Guaragno, Brian Jin,凯利帕里什,埃里克·佩里
视频:Vanessa Singh,Paige Wollensak
Source images: Intro: Bettmann/Contributor/Getty; Barbara Alper/Getty; Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times/Getty; Walter Bibikow; Colin Hawkins/iStock; Jim Watson/AFP/Getty; James Keyser/Getty; Yelp: IvanC7/Getty Images, Carolina Pimenta/Unsplash; Anna Sullivan/Unsplash; Juzzepo/Unsplash;亲爱的首席执行官:刻痕/盖蒂图像,HUP/Getty Images;保险:jhorrocks/istock/getty Images Plus,Jaturon Ruaysoongnern/Eyeem/Getty Images;堕胎丸:安娜兹维特/pexels,sj obijo/unsplash,averie woodard/unsplash